And V.E. Mathew of Ka-su-ma-su
I am almost sure that many of you would not have heard this
story, barring a few living in Britain and Australia, those who peruse newspapers
and old WWII stories carefully. This happened at a remote locale in the Indian
Ocean, some 250 miles south of Java, named Christmas Island, where a revolt or mutiny
of sorts took place. The revolt was carried out by a handful of Indian soldiers
serving in the British army, during the 2nd world war. The date
being 10th March 1942 makes it an early revolt against the crown,
yet it is hardly mentioned today, in India or Pakistan. So let’s proceed back
in time, on a trip to the island and find out what happened during those balmy,
but intrigue filled and tense days.
The Southeast Asian campaign of WWII started when the
Japanese bombed Victoria Point in Burma during Dec 1941, cordoned off Burma and
followed up with the capture of Singapore and a land attack into Burma. The
Japanese intent was to get to the oilfields in Burma, a strategic conquest to
ensure they had the resources before the grand entry westwards across India.
Within a span of three months, the British in Burma were in a hasty retreat,
and Burma was in Japanese hands. Subhas Chandra Bose was still in Germany and
the Azad Hind had not yet been formed. Fujiwara, the Lawrence of the Indian
Army was heading the F Kikan and pretty soon the first ISI/IIL was formed under
the leadership of Mohan Singh. If you recall, we covered this ground with the
story of the valiant Kumaran Nair.
As events galloped on at a fast clip, Kuala Lumpur fell in
Jan 1942 and Singapore was surrendered in Feb 1942. The British bastions had
been breached and the victorious Japanese were on the March northwards to
Rangoon. By February 1942, from a total of about 40,000 Indian personnel in
Singapore, about 30,000 joined the INA led by Mohan Singh.
South of all this hectic fighting was the lonely Xmas Island
where newspapers used to come in now and then from Singapore updating the few
Chinese, Sikh, Malay, British and Indian population in the island. The island
got its name from the day of its christening in 1643 and we see it being annexed
by the British in 1888 and administered out of Singapore through the Straits
Settlements government. The CIP Company started its phosphate mining operations
with Chinese and Malay labor. The beginnings were filled with stories of
disease, extortion, bad living conditions, coolie riots, revolts, booms and
busts. A few (5) Sikhs were brought over time to head a police department and
manage the town of Kasma, they built their own Gurudwara as their fold
increased to 14 (there were Sikh company guards too) and kept to themselves and
their work. Initially they were all bachelors except their corporal who had his
family (There was an interesting case of a Sikh policeman who fancied a Chinese
headman’s wife and got murdered).
And they had a couple of brothels called the White House’s
1& 2 (with distinct spiral staircases), to service the hard working Chinese
bachelors (They were called seamstresses or carpenter’s wives and were
inspected weekly by the medical officer and strangely the island’s electrical
engineer for disease!). The Malays kept to themselves and their families, and
were mostly Muslim. The First World War happened, the feared raider ship Emden
captained by Von Mueller passed by and was eventually scuttled in Cocos Islands
some 600 miles away. The Europeans later got busy installing a telescope to
view the 1922 solar eclipse and check out Einstein’s theory of relativity.
The island community slept well though 1939-under the belief
that the great guns of Singapore would keep the enemy out of reach, even after
the many reverses in Europe during 1940 and the capitulation of France. As the
war gathered force, a small volunteer force comprising the Chinese and Malays
were formed in the island and a 1900 vintage 6” breech loader gun was installed
at Smith Point. Captain Williams was sent out from Hong Kong, supported by four
British NCO’s (Sgt W. Giles, Lance Sgt G.H. Cross, Gunner G.S. Thurgood and
Gunner J. Tate), and 27 Punjabi Muslim soldiers to support them. But as you can
imagine this was more of a charade, and would only help delay the inevitable,
for the island which at that point of time was contended and calm, was simply
not defensible. By 1942, the population comprised 30 Europeans, 1175 Chinese,
122 Malays, 88 Indians, 2 Eurasians all put a total of 1,417.
Everything changed in Dec 1941 with Pearl Harbor as Japan entered
the war with a roar and well, to put it simply, the Eastern part of the allied world
had been caught not just napping, but in deep slumber. The people of Xmas
Island were by now a nervy lot, wondering about their future. The seas around
the island boiled with all types of naval frigates, transports, aircraft
carriers, allied subs and axis U boats.
Manning the Marconi DX radio under call sign ZC3AC and transmitting
at 14,015 Khz, CW, was our own man from Kuriyannur (Pathanamthitta), one Vadakathu
Easow (V E) Mathew, aged 28, who had arrived in 1939 as a wireless operator.
Originally a teacher in Malaysia and needing to escape frequent dust allergy attacks
there, he went on to requalify as a wireless operator after completing the
course at Calcutta! Accompanying him
were some five more persons from Kerala, them being KG Alexander, TA John, AY Dethose
(also a wireless operator), Thomas (cook), and Gopal (cook), whom MAthew had
managed to recommend and obtain jobs for.
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V E Mathew - Manning the Christmas Island Radio (Pic Courtesy Mary Mathew) |
What Mathew and Dethos heard from other radio operators and
Singapore was not reassuring. Capt Williams was now supervising defensive
measures such as drills and building of pillboxes. Europeans sent their wives
to Australia and London. Meanwhile, the ship which ferried between Singapore
and Xmas Island, ‘the Islander’ suddenly found itself without a radioman, for
he had absconded, and Dethose cried his way out not wanting to get killed in a
Japanese bombing. Mathew thus took on the last run to Singapore for a tripled
salary and a bonus. It was not a good choice, the ship ahead and the ship behind
were bombed and Mathew and the ‘Islander’ escaped only due to providence.
Reaching Singapore, they were again in the eye of the storm, for Singapore was
being bombed and Mathew and his relatives there had to frequently flee to hide
in the drains as air raid sirens blared.
The plan was to get the Islander fitted with an AA gun. But
that also did not happen due to technical difficulties and the ship sailed back
to Xmas Island. The Malayalee’s stuck together and stayed away from harms
reach. But in Jan 1942, war reached the island when a Norwegian ship being
loaded with Phosphate, was hit by a Japanese torpedo. In Feb, a corpse in a
boiler suit washed ashore, to be later buried as the unknown sailor.
False alarms and Air raid sirens sent most islanders
scurrying to the jungles. Mathew picked up more bad news of the capitulation of
Singapore, after which he lost radio connection to the HQ. The remaining
European and Sikh women with their children and a few men were sent away to
Australia. Mathew sadly reported ‘I was unlucky because I was of ‘essential
services’ and was not allowed to go’.
A Malay fisherman now reported that a Japanese submarine was
moored off one of the island’s beaches and that some of its crewmen were seen
bathing in rock pools of the island. The railway and factory machinery were quickly
dismantled and hidden as the coolie’s stooped working and fled into the
jungles. Meanwhile an US aircraft carrier USS Langley was hit and its captain Thomas
Donovan was accidentally left behind on the island. He conveyed his whereabouts
to the US forces over Mathew’s radio.
Mathew continued to be in the thick of things, and heard on
the radio all kinds of rumors, of the British discussions about independence
for India, of the formation of the INA, of the activities of Gandhi and the
Congress, the Muslim league and so on. On 23rd Feb, Japan occupied
the Andaman Islands and from 28th Feb to 3rd Mar, following
the Battles of the Java Seas and the Sunda Straits, they eliminated Allied
naval resistance. On March 1st the Japanese bombed the island (It is
mentioned in the CQ magazine report that this was because the Japanese spotted
a wooden mock aircraft built by the XI soldiers as a deterrent). Nine Japanese
planes were in action, bombing and perhaps strafing the island. 3 Chinese were
Mathew was on the radio, sending one last message. As the
account goes - Upon hearing a whistling sound, of what proved to be a direct
hit, he lunged out the door and dove into the adjacent swimming pool, narrowly
escaping the subsequent explosion. His bicycle was bombed to smithereens. With
that the island went silent and was shut off from the world.
With ZC3AC shut down, the island was left only with an
emergency SW transmitter, but that was buried at Grants hill and hidden for the
future. The Japanese commenced long distance shelling of the island’s pier from
the sea and the Indian contingent abandoned the gun to take cover. Cromwell (District
Officer) and Donovan decided (against the advice of Capt Williams) to hoist the
white flag on 7th March and dismantle the naval gun, following which
the Japanese left without landing on the island. Williams told his team that they
should lay down arms, have them locked up, that there was no more war, and that
the British flag should be replaced with white if they spotted Japanese, but also
that the Union Jack should go up if allied ships or planes were spotted.
Some of the Indian soldiers murmured amongst themselves that
hoisting the British flag was going to invite sure death. The island prepared
for the arrival of the Japanese. Malays built underground shelters, young girls
shaved their heads to pass off as boys and the ladies of the night attached
themselves to the older men to appear married. White men split into two, those
who wanted to surrender and those who wanted to fight. Williams pulled down the
white bed sheet and replaced it with the Union Jack and reassembled the gun,
which Cromwell told Williams, was not correct per international law.
This was the situation when the so called mutiny or revolt occurred.
Some accounts of the mutiny mention that the soldiers had been listening (Subedar
Muzaffar Khan later denied this at the trial) to Azad hind or Azad Muslim radio
broadcasts coming out of Germany, Holland and Japan. The Indian soldiers were headed
by a ‘graying and grizzled’ Bengali (East Bengal) Subedar Muzaffar Khan. The
two havildars who reported to him were Punjabis, namely Mir Ali and Ghulam
During later depositions, it was recalled that some of the
instigators had refused to salute Capt Williams at parade, so they had indeed
fallen out in a way, after the white flag act. It is also mentioned that the
British were overbearing on the Indian troops, and on one occasion the Indians were
asked to shut up when they started singing. John Michel mentions in his book
that this was the reason for the mutiny (considering that Muzaffar Khan denied
that any of them ever listened to Axis radio broadcasts, it is likely that British
gave the soldiers repeated cause for a revolt to occur!).
The soldiers hatched a plot to revolt, waiting for an
opportune moment which presented itself on the night of 10th March
1942 when Williams and team went for a birthday party. Mir Ali the ring leader and
Ghulam Qadir unlocked the ammunition store and distributed the weapons. They
were sent out in pairs to finish off the five British soldiers. From records we
know that Ghulam Qadir, Mir Ali, Alla Ditta, Mohd. Ashraf, Abdul Aziz (a
medical orderly), Nazir Hussein, Sher Muhammad, Muhammad Hussain and Sultan
Muhammad, Niaz Ali etc. were involved in this action. Many of those who did not
participate fled into the jungle when shots rang out. Subedar Muzaffar Khan
woke up in alarm and reached for his revolver which had apparently been removed
by somebody in the know, and he too fled into the jungle. The next action was
to dispose of the dead bodies which were consigned into the sea through a blow
hole and these bodies wrapped in bed sheets were seen by a few witnesses. Qadir
then cleaned the blood from the floor. Some of the Sikh policemen joined the
mutineers while others abstained. Muzaffar Khan was livid and appears to have berated
the 60 Indians assembled. Mir Ali wanted to kill the remaining Englishmen, but agreed
not to, after heeding to remonstrations from Muzaffar Khan. At long last, they
stood down.
The Punjabi soldiers then went to Mathew and asked him to
send a radio message to the Japanese that they could dock at the island safely.
Mathew replied that the radio was gone, destroyed in the bombing. The Europeans
were locked up in Cromwell’s bungalow. The above listed men, about 12 of them
and a few Sikhs who took their side, now waited for the Japanese to turn up.
The wait took close to 4 weeks. The incoming Japanese fleet led by the frigate
Naka was being shadowed by an American Submarine SS197 Seawolf, and as they
berthed in Christmas Island, the Seawolf fired her torpedoes, but strangely not
one hit the Naka.
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Japanese take over the CI 6" Gun |
Commander Ando stepped ashore with some 850 men to take
control of the island. When they saw the wrecked phosphate loading machinery,
Ando was enraged, but he eventually accepted the explanation that it was due to
Japanese bombing. The biggest damage was to the loading belt and this meant
that loading would have to be manual. Mathew and the other Malayalee’s were
accosted by the Japanese who assumed they were Indonesian. When Mathew
mentioned Gandhi’s name, they were left alone.
The Seawolf shot another three torpedoes at the Naka while
at XI, but they missed again. How Fred Warder commanding (SS197) Seawolf missed
hitting a ship with all these torpedoes is a mystery, but the likely cause was
malfunction of the armaments (a chronic problem in the early war years).
Eventually the Seawolf got the Naka on its return voyage when one of the last two
torpedoes finally hit the target.
The Japanese were allowed 3 days of plunder after which
things settled to a routine at the island. Mir Ali approached the Japanese
stating that he had his cohorts had finished off the British soldiers and that
he wanted protection and a reward. But to his dismay, the Japanese set all of them
to a labor routine, with the other island workers. As the allies avoided the island, the
Japanese remained in place for another two years. It was not a horrible
occupation, but relatively mundane and Japanese efforts at shipping out large
quantities of phosphate never took off. The Japs built a pretty Japanese
temple, but the Muslim Malays were not happy being forced to pray there.
The Japanese did want the White houses opened up but the
Chinese girls were not too keen to service them. As it turned out, the Japanese
brought in some Indonesians, for their comfort. These Javanese girls were
tricked into coming to Christmas Island after answering a "Teachers
wanted" advertisement in the newspaper. The 21 Europeans were also put to
tasks befitting their skills, and they were the only prisoners. Mathew is
mentioned as one who helped these prisoners with food, rolling food sacks down
the hill at night, to waiting hands.
In Nov 1942, a Japanese ship loading phosphate was torpedoed
and in the following year (Dec 1943) as their food supplies dwindled, the Japanese
plans changed. They evacuated the island and most of the people including the
Indians and the mutineers were shipped to Java’s prisons. Mathew and some of his
friends were sent to a prison camp in Surabaya. Some soldiers and a small
population remained, and the remaining Japanese left by early 1945. Christmas
Island was isolated, once again.
The first person to resurface after Japanese internment, in
Sept 1945 was Cromwell, but he never managed to return to his island, passing
away in Dublin in 1946. Seven Indians were next seen in Singapore as British
prisoners. Based on depositions by Cromwell and Donovan, the British decided to
bring them to justice. Mir Ali and a dozen others had vanished and were thought
to have fought for the INA in Burma.
As the Indians could not be charged with murder three years
after its occurrence, they were charged with mutiny, under the Army act Section
7 (3), and the ensuing trial in Singapore stretched over a period of many weeks,
with the convoluted court martial covered in detail by Straits times. I will
not get into technicalities, but war trials sometimes stretched the rule of law
in the winner’s favor. In this case too, the witness testimony was inconclusive
and the defense claim that Cromwell had already raised the white flag thereby
making a mutiny charge incorrect, was not allowed to stand. There were many other
inconsistencies in the depositions.
Inayat Khan and Ghulam Qadir were two of the main witnesses.
Some tried to shift blame on Mir Ali and butter up to Muzaffar Khan, the
Subedar who was on the prosecution side. Allah Bux was found innocent and Niaz
Ali to be coerced by others. In March 1947, the court sentenced six of the
accused guilty and to die by the gallows. Allah Bux was acquitted.
On 13th August 1947 King George VI confirmed five
of the death sentences on Ghulam Qadir, Sher Muhammad, Nazar Hussain, Muhammad
Hussain and Allah Ditta. Niaz Ali was sentenced for two years imprisonment and
a dishonorable discharge. They were to
die at 7AM in Singapore, on 18th Sept 1947.
On 14th August 1947, Pakistan became a free
On 15th August 1947, India became independent. The
five prisoners were now considered Pakistanis.
On 17th Sep, the day before the execution, the
governments of India and Pakistan informed the commonwealth relation office
that the executions be stayed until they have had an opportunity to study the
case. In the meantime many INA prisoners had been freed by Nehru, in
independent India. Citing that as a reason, Pakistan which was now in charge of
the five prisoners insisted that they be re-sentenced to imprisonment and not
death. The British agreed that Pakistan had a strong case, and the death
sentences were commuted.
Gunner Sultan Muhammed who had been apprehended separately
and tried in Nee Soon in 1948, was also sentenced to death. He too had his
sentence commuted on the same grounds. All of them were now to serve
imprisonment until 1956/57. Pakistan then requested that they be transferred to
Pakistan jails. Eventually all of them were sent back to Pakistan in 1955. Nothing
more is known of these internees. Mir Ali was never found. Perhaps he died in
the INA battles at Imphal, but nobody knows. Strange, these Punjabi Muslim’s left
a land oppressed, and returned to lands violently divided. They must have wondered
about their acts and after escaping death, having spent 12 years of their lives
in various prisons, only to return to more violence, hatred and chaos!!
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Christmas Island - today |
Following WWII, Britain resumed control of the island and
from January 1, 1958 it was administered as a separate crown colony. Today
Christmas Island is an Australian external territory and famous for its red
crabs. Now let’s get back to our man Mathew.
Mathew’s initial days of internment at Surabaya were
harrowing, but he met a Christian Japanese captain who took a liking to him. He
was allowed to work in a workshop, heading a team of some 30 Indonesians. Some
of the other Island Malayalee’s were also with Mathew. As the war ended, they
narrowly escaped retaliation by the Indonesian prisoners. So close were they to
death that they had written their last words to their families and buried them
in a bottle underground for some future finder. But they were let go when the Indonesian’s
found they were Indians. Eventually help arrived and they were guided to an
Indian Red Cross ship by a friendly Indonesian watchman. They returned to India
from Surabaya via Singapore and Mathew managed to reestablish contacts with his
As it turned out, Mathew got married in 1948 and came back
to Christmas Island continue work as a wireless operator, live in relative
peace and fathered five children. Mathew’s name reappeared on the airwaves in
1958, while he was trying to reconstruct his radio. W4LYV sent a new crystal
(14034 Khz) to ZC3AC while VS1JF was still handling some of the cards to him.
In 1964, the Short wave magazine reported that Mathews, ex-ZC3AC, was still on
the island but transmitting as VK9MV (1959), he continued with a 40 watts transmitter
and his DXing passion is archived with his QSL cards.
He retired in 1971 and his friends honored him with 57
dinners during his last two months. Mathew departed saying ‘ I am leaving
Christmas Island after seeing her in her young days, uncouth and wild, and now
as a lady in her teens, with her mini flats and respectable highways!’ He went
back to Kuriyannur, lived his last days peacefully, ever an honest man and
passed away in 2000 at the ripe age of 88. His children are all well settled in
Australia. I did get in touch, with Mathew’s youngest daughter Mary Mathew who
in a charming and lengthy telephone conversation filled in a great many missing

The excitement and danger of war is another thing though, though
I am not sure what Mathew thought. To narrowly survive three or four narrow brushes
with death, to live as a prisoner in a camp and survive, to get married, raise
a family and eventually retire in peace simply means he was a blessed person. And to be sure there are many more stories like this, of people who played a part in those wars.
Suffering Through Strength: The Men Who Made Christmas
Island – John Hunt
Christmas Island - the early years – Jan Adams, Marg Neale
Straits Times reports (over a 100 of them) 1945-1947
Mr Michel’s war – John J A Michel
An Ordeal to forget – Thomas A Donovan Jr (Naval history
Vol14, issue 3)
CQ Amateur radio magazine May 1977 issue
USS Seawolf at the Battle of Christmas Island - John
This Christmas Island is not to be confused with the one
known as Kiritimati in the Pacific, more popularly associated with the UK’s H
Bomb tests. The Book by Adams and Neale has some interesting pictures e.g. the
Sikh Policemen, the Japanese AA gun etc. My thanks to John Hunt’s painstaking
research and a fine book, and Mary Mathew for a great interview.
You may wonder why I chose to call this a revolt or
rebellion, not a mutiny. I tended to take the side of the prisoners based on
some related facts (white flag, salutes, and singing) before the rebellion, and
considering that the prosecution witness who testified against them was very
emphatic in that they had not listened to the Axis radio. It was also clear
from the trial that all the accused had been away from India for a long time
7-10 years, so they could not have been seriously indoctrinated with a
rebellious cause before coming to Christmas island. Jan Adams in her book also
concurs that their ‘motivation remained uncertain’. Perhaps a reason was
self-preservation, knowing that the Japanese would kill everybody if they
detected a threat in the island (Williams and his men must have proved to be a
needless threat!). But this is just my conclusion.
Thomas Donovan the American who was spared in the revolt,
survived the war and was awarded the Legion of Merit. He continued in the US Navy
and retired as a Rear Admiral. Donovan was transferred early to Makassar (Celebs
Island) and later to Java where he had an eventful internment. It appears that
the Japanese told Donovan that if a single shot had been fired by the islanders,
they were planning to kill everybody in the Island. So in hindsight, the revolt
probably saved a large number of lives!
Ka su ma su – is how ‘Christmas’ was pronounced by the
What is a QSL? Many DXers attempt to obtain written
verifications of reception or contact, sometimes referred to as
"QSLs" or "veries" The picture shows QSL’s provided by
Mathew to other DX’s.
Pics- Mathews QSL card
Great story, as usual. My friend Avinash is an avid DXer. He says the SW stations are shying away from conventional broadcast. Anyway, the Malayali touch was great. Really enjoyed reading this.
Thanks Bernard..
These kinds of stories are the most fun to research. It is usually very difficult to get complete information on these obscure topics and even lengthy spurts of browsing wont get google to cough up any leads. sometimes after weeks, the search engine in exasperation provides you a little tip. then i go hunting after that source be it a printed book or a person. it is a longish impatient wait till the library provides you the book from some obscure library, but thanks to our great trip saver system, i get it!
I sometimes write to all kinds of people asking questions and while some people answer, many don't. Finally a story surfaces from all this effort. I post it, and proceed contended, to the next effort.
I am happiest when somebody pens a comment, be it a clarification, a response or whatever. Most don't...
Awesome story, Maddy. Thanks.
Thanks Vijay...
Very interesting read. My uncle was Sgt Walter Giles who was sadly murdered on the island. I am researching this and doing a family tree which I’ve managed to get a few pictures of my uncle.
My uncle SGT Walter Giles was unfortunately one of the officers killed. Would make a great film! All I need is Russel Crowe to make it!
Thanks for a good read.
Good article. can you share the reference for Mulakkram, please ? I want to verify some of the details you have mentioned. Some of the taxes you mentioned existed during the days of Cheraman Perumals. So, I would like to know which tax existed from which period to which period.
Vins - this is about the Christmas Island revolt. Did you want to comment under another article perhaps?
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