Padnichare Kovilagath Manavikraman (Ettan) Raja, Zamorin of
The period following the accession of the British over Malabar
was a time when the Zamorins of Calicut, those suzerains who ruled over vast
swaths of territory in Malabar for over 500 years, had descended into holders
of simple titular positions with just a small privy purse from the British
Government. Gone were the days of pomp and splendor, gone was the palace and
fountains in the middle of Calicut, burnt to cinder or carted away by merchants.
All they were left with was some property and oversight of temples, but with little
malikhana income. The administrative staff and the Nair pada they once commanded
was no longer in the payroll. The cheer that you see mentioned in a formal report quoted below was notably absent.
Quoting law journals -
In 1792 Tippu ceded Malabar to the East India Company and ever since it has
been under the rule of the Government of India. On the cession, the ruling
powers of the rajahs and the chieftains were taken away from them. They were
not deprived of the possession of their landed properties, but they were
compelled to pay land revenue in respect of them and consequently became mere
holders of land held under ryotwari tenure. Upto 1806 the deposed rulers were
allowed to collect the land revenue and retain for themselves one-fifth of the
net income, but in that year the East India Company itself undertook the
collection and thereafter the Government granted to the deposed rulers annual
allowances (malikhana) for the maintenance of themselves and their families.
The malikhana was liable to forfeiture on proof of disloyalty or mis-conduct.
The only ruler with whom the East India
Company entered into an agreement in writing in respect of the payment of
malikhana was the Zamorin (the Rajah of Calicut). It is only fair to add that the Zamorins,
having loyally accepted the great change in their destinies, have ever since
cheerfully and faithfully discharged their obligations to the Power which
supplanted them just a century ago.
The Zamorin family after losing their territory first to the Mysore sultans and later the British, were mostly wrestling with court cases and arguing over property with the new owners, who had opportunistically taken them over or in some cases, just assumed ownership knowing that the Zamorin families had no power to do anything otherwise. Even the temples, previously a large source of revenue were languishing and the regional economy in a state of shambles. The succession structure of the Zamorin family was as always quite complicated and involved selection of the senior most person from the three kovialkoms or ancestral palaces – Padinjare (West) Kovialakom at Mankavu, the Puthiya (New) Kovilakom at Panniyankara and the Kizhakke (East) Kovialkom at Kottakkal.
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Ettan Thampuran and Ambalakkat Lakshmi Amma |
It was in those days that Manvikraman Thampuran, the Ettan
Raja, went on to grow up in the Mankavu Padinjare Kovilakom and right from his
childhood days found security in the world of music, literary works and the
study of Sanskrit. There was no dearth of it in the vast home, as well as the
temple complex of Thali nearby. The
annual Revathi Pattathanam was still in vogue where a large number of Pundits
attended, but not held often enough. While we do have some idea of the general
situation, not enough of specific information is available about his younger
days. In fact we do not even know when he got married, but I would peg that
roughly at 1870. Around that time, he
got married to Ambalakkat Lakshmi Amma, the beautiful lady you see in the photograph.
That friends, is my great grandmother on my father’s side. They had four children among whom the youngest was Ambalakkat Karunakara Menon, a leading advocate of
Calicut and a congressman. The eldest was Ambalakkat Gopala Menon, my grandfather, the Calicut registrar in those
days. So now you know my connections to a Zamorin from the Padinjare Kovilakom i.e.
the Padnichare Kovilagath Manavikraman (Ettan) Raja, Zamorin of Calicut
1912-1915, otherwise called the Vidwan Ettan Thampuran or the Kerala Bhoja.
I delayed writing this article for a period of time for want
of information, but it is interesting to confess that it was this person who
started my interest in Malabar History many years ago, years after the people
who could have given me firsthand information, like my father and his sisters
had passed away from this world. It was a painstaking process to gather whatever
little information I could unearth on this very interesting stalwart, famous
for his literary and poetic skills as well as the personal support and grooming
provided to budding writers who went on to become big names, like Vallathol
Narayana Menon and VC Balakrishna Panikkar. Later I went to the Padinjare
Kovilakom to see if I could find somebody there and to get some inputs, and it
was Mr Virarayan who got me started by showing me the place where he lived and
by providing a booklet on the Kottichezhunellath and some more details. He also
gifted me with a book Samoothiriyum Kozhikodum written by PCM Raja….As I sat in
those hallowed but now dilapidated premises and took a moment to imagine the
days when my ancestors sat at that poomukham listening to poets or making
compositions, I could feel an occasional shiver down my spine, as I drifted off
thinking about their lives and better times.
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Ettan Thampuran |
Anyway let us get to the interesting
persona my great grandfather was. That he was a writer of repute is mentioned
often in history texts. In fact he was one of the early nonfiction writers in
Malayalam, and his travelogue Kasiyathra charitram (travel in 1896, published
in 1903), only the second to be written in Malayalam (First was Romayatra by P
Thoma Kathenar). I will try not to do too much of a eulogy here as some others
have worked on lengthy doctorate theses on the very subject of Ettan thampuran’s
contributions to Sanskrit.
A great scholar poet, titled Vidwan Samoothiri (rare in the
line of Zamorins), he was instrumental in publishing many works in Sanskrit
during his time. He became the Eralpad (2nd in line) in 190 and the
Zamorin in the year 1912, and the various ceremonies are documented in the book
of Duarte Barbosa (ML Dames) with a good amount of details (VET provided the specifics
to collector AC Thorne who translated it for the book).
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Mankavu Padinchare Kovilakom - Poomukham |
A quick overview of some 40 or so of his works in Sanskrit includes
three dramas Odanavaneswara vijaya, Lakshmikalyana, and Samskrita Lakshmi
kalyana, a translation of the Malayalam Social play Lakshmikalyana by KC
keshava Pillai. Then there was the Dianadayal paracampu based on a Hitopadesa
fable, a Shloka in praise of Nemam Subramanya Iyer(now sung as a kriti in raga
Kapi set to Adi tala), Vishakhavijayollosa, Parvathi Parinayam, a collection of essays and
poems including – Sringara manjari madana, Rana singuraja charitra, Dhruvacharitam,
Pratisrudha dasaka, Kerala vilasa, Bhikshu gitastava, dhatu kavya, Jnana
pradipika, Champu bharata, Parvathi Swayamvaram, Prethakamini and finally Kasiyathra
Charitam in Malayalam – covering his own trip to North India in 1895 and detailing
amongst other things prosperity seen in North Indian cities. Keralavilasa incidentally
contains 105 verses based on Keralolpatti. A few of his ragamalikas are also
mentioned here and there. Manavikrama samutiri charita is a historical kavyam
by Vasunni Musat which gives the life history of Ettan Tampuranas well as one throwing
much light on the period. People say that it is highly useful in understanding
the period, but I have not been able to find this anywhere.
But more than anything else, he was a patron and teacher for
others interested in the field of music and literature. The Padinjare kovilakom
at Mankavu at the turn of the 20th century was the place where
sahridaya sagamam meetings were held and poets like Vallathol and Balakrishna
Panikkar were groomed. Vallathol, in one of his poems, has recalled how the
Ettan Tampuran sought his company at poetry recitals, music concerts and
literary discussions. Lt is written that in their company, Vallathol went about
with his meagre resources, composing slokas in Sanskrit. Vallathol gratefully mentions
Ettan thampuran as the 'reincarnation of the great ‘Bhoja Raja. Ettan raja was also
well known as a convener of regular literary meetings attended by great South
Indian writers and poets. He was the main sponsor of the Kerala granthamala
which published many works of Kerala writers.
V Unnikrishnan Nair and NV Krishna Warrier writing in the
Calicut souvenir state that he was the third Zamorin who contributed much to
the literature of Malabar and was a great patron of budding writers and poets. They
list people who regularly attended the Sahridaya sangamam as Punnaseeri Nambi
Neelakanda Sharma, Kaikulangara Rama Warrier, Mahakavi Kunjukuttan Thampuran,
Vellanasseri Vasunni Mussad, RV Krishnamacharya, Telappuram Narayanan Nampi,
Vallathol, VC Balakrishna Panikkar etc and state that Ettan Thampuran was known
as the Abhinavabjoja Raja amongst the Sanskrit pundits in India those days. Balakrishna
Panickkar VC, as CHF wrote was the pioneer of the Romantic Movement in
Malayalam Poetry and composed Manavikrameeyam, a treatise in verse on alankara shastram,
dedicated to his guru. Pundit Gopalan Nair who translated the 10 volume Sreemad
Bhagavatham in Malayalam was a favorite disciple of Vidwan Ettan Thampuran.
Ettan Raja was also responsible for the Thunchath Ezhuthachan memorial. A conference of eminent writers and leaders of society was held on October 17, 1906 to formulate a scheme for the construction of a memorial and it was this Samoothiri, Vidwan Manavikrama Ettan Thampuran who took the initiative. He was also instrumental in supporting Punnaseri Nampi with the establishment of the Pattambi Sanskrit College and continued to put in efforts in elevating it to college status. He also made a proclamation stating that there was nothing against Sanskrit being taught to everyone sitting together, irrespective of caste and religious distinction (1914-1915).
He was also very keen about the propagation of Ayurveda, and
in 1902, the first ever congress of the Ayurveda Samajam was convened at
Chalappuram in Kozhikode in the presence of Manavikrama Ettan Raja and
Ramavarma Appan Thampuran, the 6th prince, the Kunjunnithampuran of the Kochi
state. At this first annual meeting, the name "Keraleeya Ayurveda
Samajam" was introduced, 55 years before the state of Kerala was formed.
Though a person who made sure that everybody could be
literate and learn languages like Sanskrit, and study in schools and colleges
patronized by the Zamoirn, he was also a person with many firm and traditional
opinions. Talking at the Malabar marriage commission meeting, he (Fawcett –
Nairs of Malabar) informed the Commission that "It has been ordained by
Parasu Rama that in Kerala, Marumakkatayam women need not be chaste" and
he quoted a shloka in proof that there should be no such thing as chastity
excepting amongst the Brahman women. But well, it was a testament of the times
I suppose.
It is said that he was a reluctant Zamorin and that administration
was not something he enjoyed. Literature and poetry were his life and I also
heard that he was close to abdication of the position during his last years.
The main reason was that the Zamorin’s estate at that time was in an abject
state of penury and his inability to find monetary resources, a huge burden on
his mind. The figures are mind boggling,
39,970 acres of land were registered in the family name and an equal amount of
unregistered land was apparently held, but all this produced only a gross
income of Rs 3,64,000/-. With a family count in the three Kovilakoms of well above
a thousand or more people, the income meagre. The estate was eventually taken
over by the British court of wards with JA Thorne as Collector. Ettan
Thampuran’s death occurred soon after the loss of Guruvayur temple to the
court, this turning out to be his greatest disappointment (He would have been
happy to hear that it went back to the family 12 years, in 1927). On many
occasions he had to request the court of wards for monies to tide over expenses
and this weighed his mind greatly, a testimony to the sad state of affairs following
the many triumphant years till the Mysore Sultans systematically tore up the fabric
of Malabar.
A full account of some of the royal ceremonies "The
Eralpad's Kotticchelunellattu", whose Ezhunnellattu as Eralpad is vividly
described in this Malayalam account with many interesting details. Mansell
Longworth Dames – version of ‘The book of Duarte Barbosa’, Appendix II, JA
Thorne’s translations refer to data from the original Malayalam article
‘Ariyittu vazcha’ provided by Vidwan Samoothiri, while reigning as an Eraalpad
as well. Noteworthy is the fact that when his portrait in the book was taken,
he was in his one year Diksha or mourning, hence the heavy beard (Another
interesting fact is that the bust on his right is the Kochi Rajavu – If you
will recall, the two families feuded for centuries). Ettan Thamburan, the late
Zamorin, was the first to visit Cochin after those turbulent times. He was
given a right royal reception by H.H. Rama Varma the Ex-Raja of Cochin, who was
then ruling Cochin.
The Kasi trip (Varanasi - Benares pilgrimage) travelogue is
pretty interesting – and as you peruse it, you see the country through the eyes
of an inquisitive traveler. You can read the views of a deeply religious and middle
aged person traveling in an entourage which curiously included just one woman -
my great grandmother, proving to be a great eye opener of the times. I found
the para comparing a bathing ghat to the manachira tank in Calicut quite
amusing and the use of certain Malayalam words archaic. His amazement seeing
Bombay and appreciation of the facilities rendered by a Gujarati Seth from
Calicut named Vrindavan quite apparent in the words and description. Perhaps someday
I will translate this work together with some of the others - who knows!
Regretfully I could not find the part 2 of that work and part 1 only covers the
journey until the group reach Kasi.
Vallathol of course went on to become a famous writer and
poet, established the Kalamandalam and today we can all sit back and see
Kathakali the way it should be seen and remember the great poet. And of course,
you can go to Kottakkal for an Ayurveda massage to relax those tight tendons or
seek relief for some ailment that cannot be cured…
I also recall the meeting with the late Puthiya Kovilaguth
Manavedan Kunjaniyan Raja and how he remembered Ettan Thampuran. He was
mentioning to me how KVK Iyer got most of his book’s content from Ettan Thampuran’s
‘Agnivamsa rajakatha’, an account detailing the legendary history of the
Zamorins of Calicut.
It would have been quite interesting I suppose, if we could
meet across generations to discuss matters of common interest, but well, in
Kerala that is why a number of families still do ancestral recognition poojas in
places like Palghat. They have a ceremony where the food liked by that
karanavan is kept and some poojas done. What could be done for this gentleman?
Something to think about.
Additional input from Mr CK Ramachandran at Calicut Heritage Forum, gratefully acknowledged and posted below
Incidentally, we at CHF had mentioned the patronage provided by Vidwan Ettan Raja to the young and indigent poet, V C Balakrishna Pillai . We feel this is the appropriate place to place some more interesting tidbits concerning Vidwan Ettan Raja and his proteges.
It was Vellanasseri Vasunni Moosad (you mention him as one VET's friends) who took the young Vallathol to the Mankavu sadass. Vallathol was then passing through a difficult stage in his life. The young man of 24 years had fallen in love with Madhavi, his uncle's daughter (murappennu). But, as the poet himself complained in his 'Bandhanasthanaya Aniruddhan', the course of true love never runs smooth. There were some initial opposition and finally he was to marry on a certain day,and had travelled from Tirur to Ponnani only to be informed that because of a death in the family, the function had been postponed. A dejected Vallathol travelled back to Tirur and sought solace in the company of Vellanassery Moosad. The very next day, Moosad took him to Mankavu as he thought the young lover deserved a change of scene. He spent some unremarkable days there and returned to Ponnai to get married. His second visit came later after he had made a mark in poetry and prose. Returning from Kadathanatt kovilakam (Udaya Varma was another great patron of literature) in the company of Kavikulaguru Krishna Varier, Vallathol visited Mankavu . The benevolent VET enquired of Varier about the financial condition of the young poet. Varier explained that the poet (who had by then become father of a girl) was in dire straits and could do with some assistance. VET gave two offers : he would write to some 20 respectable persons to contribute Rs.50 each (totalling Rs.1000) as capital for any venture that Vallathol may undertake. He guaranteed these loans and even hinted that most of these would be non-returnable loans. The second offer was equally tempting - a job as Malayalam Munshi in the Zamorin's College.
Vallathol rejected both offers. According to his biographer, there could have been two reasosn for this rejection: Vallathol was confident that if VC B Panicker could start his own publication in Trissur, so could he. Secondly, he could not stand VET's antipathy for Kathakali which Vallathol adored. VET had observed that the use of loud instruments like Chenda and Maddhalam and the dinconnect between the songs and the mudras did not appeal to 'modern' tastes. Vallathol who had inherited his love of Kathakali from his father, found that he could not compromise his taste, although he was ever grateful for the offer of assistance made by VET.
Another great figure who enjoyed the patronage of VET was the great scholar Punnasseri Nambi Neelakantha Sharma. You had mentioned about VET's work 'Sringaramanjari'. It was in fact one of the five shatakas (100 slokas) which he had published by the name Panchamrita Shatakam. Each of the five works had 100 slokas . There was some criticism ( by some scholars from Tamil nadu). Punnasseri put up a spirited defence of this work, and this was his first published work also. Another contribution of Nambi is worth recalling: VET had been writing Sanskrit letters to many scholars. It was Nambi who compiled these letters and published with an introduction by himself under the title, Lekhamaala (1898), in his own printing press called Vijnanachintamani. The next year saw Nambi establishing a Sanskrit pathshala and named it Saraswathodyothini. The school which blossomed into the famous Sanskrit College in Pattambi would not have survived its initial years of troubled existence, but for the generous assistance provided by VET.
VET's generosity towards many other poets and writers who became famous, will fill volumes. We hope someone makes a serious study of the contributions of this royal patron.
Further input from Mr Veerarayan at Padinjare Kovilakom
1. EttanThampuran’s mother was Sreedevi thampuratty (1822-1902) born on Malayalam era 997, month Kumbham. Star Karthika at kunnahur Kovilakam near Kallada river, Kollam, while members of the padinchare kovilakam was residing there during Mysorean invasion. Returned to mankave kovilaklam in her 6th year of age.
Father – Appan Namboodiri of Thottappaya Illam near Trissur
Brothers – Eralpad Anujan Thampuran & Ammaman Thampuran (auther of INDUMATHEE SWAYAMVARAM, the second novel in Malayalam)
Grand uncule – Poet Manaveda Eralpadu Raja, a great schjolar, astrologer, social reformer etc.. author of VILASINI ( a work on sukha sandesam
2. Ettan Thampuran was the driving force behind the then Zamorin Maharaja P.K.Kuttiyaettan Raja in his effort to establish Zamorin’s College in 1877.
3. Took over the management of Padinjare covilakam estate in his 27th year of age when his mother became the Valiya Thampuratty (Senior Rani) of the Kovilakam in 1872 and administrated the affairs of the kovilaklam for 30 years.
4. After the death of Valiya Manavikraman Raja (friend of pazhassi raja), the landed properties in and around Kalladikode and nearby cherpulasseri were lost to local janmis . a litigation to get back the properties was initiated VET with the help of his wife’s relatives Ambalakattu Raman menon and the attempt was not fruithful.
5. After entrusting the Zamorin’s Estate administration to the Court of Wards, he returned to the palace of Pallippuram and breathed his last in 1915 there.
Duarte Barbosa
- An account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their
Inhabitants – Mansell Longworth Dames
corporation souvenir – 1966
charitram – Ettan Thampuran (Those interested can download or read it here)
Eralpad's Kotticchelunellattu - Ettan Thampuran (provided by Mr PK Veerarayan
vamshavum Samsrita sahityavum – Dr K Kunjunni Raja (Bhaktapriya April 2012)
Thanks to my cousin Balagopal Ambalakkat, a fine
photographer in his own right, for kindly providing a scanned picture of the
young Ettan Thampuran. My great Grandmother’s picture was also provided by the
Ambalakkat family and though the beautiful lady’s picture had been touched up
by a zealous photographer recently, you can make out how pretty she was.
The older and heftier looking Zamorin’s picture wrongly attributed to VET comes from the archives of the
Cornell University Library – Originally Provided by JA Thorne (ICS, Collector-
Tellichery) & printed in Duarte Barbosa’s 1918 translation of – An account
of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their Inhabitants. The
original of the same picture which I have at hand, is a little bit damaged at
the top and edges. This is actually the Zamorin who succeeded VET, in 1916. The picture has been removed to prevent confusion.
Once again my heartfelt thanks to Mr Veerarayan for
assisting me with whatever information he had. He is in the process of making a
long family tree chart of the Zamorin's with many details and I hope he
completes it to the benefit of interested historians.
The Padinjare Kovilakom pictures which you see is the handiwork of Dr Harimohan. I combined three of them to create the Poomukham
If anybody can contribute more details on Ettan Thampuran,
his works or any other details, please do so with a comment or write to me.
These r the things we should write.I knew ur related to ambalakkat karunakara menon.i didnt ask.but an ullatil connection is waiting u.the lady is definitely beautiful.
One more well researched piece on a subject where little light has been shone .
Nice to hear that he was your grandfather so maddy that should make us family
Madhueta that is such a beautifully researched piece of work..
How did you manage to do this sitting in US. Hats Off to YOU!!!!!!
If he is your Great Grandfather then he is my Great Great Grandfather...WOW!!!
Thank you so much for educating us on such an amazing personality..heard a bit about him from mom, but this is really enlightening...THANK YOU
thanks ramachandran,
ullattil is my maternal side of the family..this is through my father's side...
thanks hari..
hope some of the mankavu people can contribute details
thanks sathya...
if i had started this during the times of kochoppa, kunjukuttioppa and bhadroppa, i might have got even more details..anyway better late than never...
But u may talk to Dr Ramanthan.
I was thrilled to learn about Ettan Thampuran. Now I could appreciate your involvement with Calicut in most of your posts.
Thanks CHF and CKR for providing the very interesting details about the interaction with VC and Vallathol.
In fact one gentleman has done his doctorate thesis on the sanskrit works of VET at Calicut University. I have not yet got my hands on the information. I will try again. I am also led to believe that the Pattambi college has a collection of most of VET's works.
Regarding Kathakali, it was always an issue with the Zamorins who had started and promoted Krishnattam. Perhaps Vallathol's attemps at promoting Kathakali in Malabar were met with some amount of diaspproval as the Zamorins favored Krishnattam and perhaps viewed Kathakali created in the South with some misapprehension.
I had covered the origins in this blog, some time ago
Thanks PNS..
appreciate your comments..
There is an interestin description of a 'royal procession'(Ghoshayatra ) of Vidwan Manvikrama Ettan Thanmpuran reproduced by Prof.K.P.Narayana Pisharoti in his book on Punnasseri Nilakantha Sarma from Vijnanacintamani, the journal published by Punnasseri Nilakantha Sarma from Pattambi..It refers to the royal procession which was held on Thulam 8 of ME1079.Nambi refers to the journey of Thampuran from his palace at Mankavu, accompanied by attendants with colorful costume, having rifles, swords and other weapons, The procession was heralded by two Brahmins with sticks covered by gold and silver.There were a lot of instruments played.He was travelling in a apalnquin and he first of all visited Valayanadu temple and then the Tali temple.Prof.narayana Pisharoti also states that there was a literary convention called sahrdayasamagama in 1070,71,72 and 73 and the proceedings were also published. Another literary past time was samasyapuranam.
We are glad to meet (on the information highway) someone from the
Ampalakkat family. Here is the background:
Searching for the commentaries (Hladini and Vipanchika) on Krishnagiti
written by Manaveda (the text used for Krishnanattam), we learned that
manuscripts of these are available at Government Oriental Manuscript Library
(GOML), Chennai. Last page of Hladini available at GOML, Chennai contains
the following: Transcribed from a manuscript of
Ampalakkat Karunakara Menon, B.A.B.L., Chalappuram, Calicut in 1918-19.
Very unfortunattely, the copy of Hladini available at GOML is very
incomplete. We are hopeful that the complete version is available with
people connected with the Ampalakkat house. Could you please help in this
A. Harindranath (Kolkata) and A. Purushothaman (Mumbai)
Thanks Mr Harindranath
i have no idea if it is still there, will check with the people in N Ambalakkt house when i get a chance
Hi Maddy,
Greetings from Bangalore. I have been a silent observer / admirer of your amazing Posts for a long period now.
After you unveiled your True identity, I am glad to see that you have comments from many long lost relatives :).
I hail from a Chekavar Family with our own Kalari and used according to Family legends used to participate in Mamangam as Kolkaar (Spearmen) defending the Samoothiri. I am waiting for a comment from any modern day descendants from the Puthumana or Kokkatt Chaver Families who used to fearlessly charge into our Spear Wielding Formations trying in vain to slay the Samoothiri...
That is something that I look forward to....
thanks ajith..
for your encouraging words..
i dont know if you follow my history blog, had written about the chavers..
Thank You Maddy for the post about Chavers. Excellent as Usual.
I think it is high time to compile all of this into a Book(s). I assure you that I will one of the first to buy a Signed Copy :)
thanks ajith..
still on the search for a publisher..
What an interesting read, sir. I may have some more information for you, mainly about the Zamorin's estate. According to documents in the archives in London, 26 Devaswoms, 4 'Uttubrahmaswoms', 32 Cherikkals, and 39,970 acres of land were attached to the Zamorin's title in Malabar, with more property in Cochin as well. Total income around 1917 was 364,000 (as you have pointed out) and expenses were 305,000. One of the items under these expenses was an allowance of 72,000 to the Zamorin, with other items including 25,000 to feed Brahmins and 13,000 for various religious functions, etc. These records also mention that over and above these surveyed and assessed lands, the Zamorin had 40,000 odd acres with unknown incomes. These lands, however, were all part of the Zamorin's Estate, and the Kovilakams had other landed properties attached to them for their maintenance. In other words, they were not dependent on income from the Zamorin's Estate and these were sthanom properties, not family properties, which were earmarked separately for each Kovilakam.
Vidwan Tampuran was also good friends with Kerala Varma Valiya Koil Tampuran of Travancore who wrote to him as follows after the death of Rani Lakshmi Bayi (KV's wife) in 1901: 'O! great poet, due to poignant separation forever with my beloved, my faculties are getting weakened everyday. Therefore I am not able to write and compose poems as before.'
Hope this random information helps!
Thanks manu..
All of this adds depth to a character
input appreciated.
An interesting read again, i have been keenly following the articles on North Malabar. I wish to ask you if you have any information regarding the age old artforms (Theyyam) practiced in North Malabar. The details on its origin, history myths.. Not getting any authentic details from the google search..
One of my friends in Ottappalam has the photograph of Ettan Thampuran and Ambalakkat Lakshmi Amma occupying a place of pride on their wall. It was a big surprise, really, to see this pic online, on your website.
I would very much like to see some article (and your extensive research) on the Nambuthiris and other Kerala Brahmins, if possible, and their illams/manaas, and the temples with which they were associated. Hope its not too much of a bother.
yes,of course, they are the Ambalakkat side of my family.See under notes
I have done an article on Kerala Iyers - You may want to refer to my Historic alleys site as well for numerous history related articles
Nambuthiris are covered in great detail at
Is there anything lacking there, which you want me to look at?
Now I do understand why in Mannapra B/W photograph of Ettan Thampuran is there.Remember seeing the same.
This is a follow up of comment from Harindranath dated 27th February 2014
Were you able to check with someone from N Ambalakkatt house about the old manuscript of Hladini ?
sorry hari and purushottaman,
will try again, so far no luck,
as far as i know there is nothing there and the house has been sold/demolished.
this blog gives a bright picture of my ancestors. thank you very much.
thanks pcc raja for visiting
many more can be found at my history blog - historic alleys
Do you have a reference for the law journal quote above? I am currently writing a book on Kutiyattam, and one chapter is on legends, with one about the invasion of Tipu Sultan in Malabar. I'm providing a summary of how this invasion affected the Zamorin, and the quote you provided would be very useful to include if I could find its source. If you know of any published sources describing the sahridaya sagamam and Vallothol's involvement I would appreciate it as well. If you haven't already read it, I think you would appreciate V.V. Haridas' recent book Zamorins and the political culture of medieval kerala, which is published both in English and Malayalam. Very interesting family history!
Dear Unknown..
I find it difficult to reply to an 'unknown' character on such specific questions. I have the answers and can provide them to you. If you wish to remain anonymous here, please do email me at and I will provide you detail I have. Yes, I am familiar with and possess Haridas's books on the Zamorins.
Such a beautifully written blog madhuetta,so nice to know about our family and I really appreciate the effort you have taken for doing so much of reasearch,now at least I know from where you inherited your writing skills, please publish a book with all your blogs..
Thanks Suju::
The book projects are still swirling around my head and the distance to the pen or keyboard seems enormous ☹️
But I will get there one day
Dear Dr Rajendran
Sorry but i missed answering your comment altogether. I should hunt for a copy of the book you mention. Will call to discuss
Hi Maddy, this was such an informative post! I regret not checking out your page earlier. I have been trying to research on the genealogy of the Zamorin's family, but I was only able to find some scarce papers about the Padinjare Kovilakam and some details from the Kozhikodan Granthavari which were translated by writers such as Haridas. Do you have any update on the family tree of the Zamorins being worked on by Mr. Veerarayan? It would be great if his work could be made available on the internet! Also, were you able to access any other old genealogical papers or lists relating to the Zamorin family as part of your research?
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