The Malayali Platoons at the Dimapur - Tedim track

Indo Burma Border 1942 – The story of Jamadar Gopala Krishna Warrier I did not believe that there existed any book in the history of this world, so dedicated to a simple Malayali soldier, but I was wrong, for there is one as the author states prominently on its first page. My heart swelled when...

A Wartime Travesty - Louise Ouwerkerk in India

Louisa Carolina Maria Ouwerkerk and her travails There are some people who deserve all the respect you can give them. Louise, if you ask me is one of them. Her story is multilayered and complex, with only one facet briefly known to most, her life in Travancore. As you will soon read, her decision to venture out for a career in the East, would prove to be very stressful, for her independent thinking...