Eustace Benedict De Lannoy
And the Udayagiri
Kotta in Travancore
The other day, we were listening to an old song – Udayagiri
kottayile Chitralekhe, from the film Aromalunni and watching the ever beautiful
actress Sheela's sensuous dance to the lines. As I listened, my grey cells got
into an overdrive, how did Aromalunni get...
Saradindu, the Meri and Raktha Sandhya

Many years ago, I wrote about the fate of the ship Meri, its
plunder and the massacre of its occupants by Vasco Da Gama. I had also
mentioned briefly about a short story written by the late Saradindu Bandhopadhyay,
on the very same subject. Anyway, of recent, I have been in the process of