The English in India greatly outnumbered the French who were finding their plans of creating their own allies and possibly an empire, thwarted at every turn. They possessed but a few small pockets of territory while the English were slowly increasing their grip and making and breaking agreements with the various Indian rulers. The French were gamely trying and we have read about some of their forays into Malabar in other articles. But from the onset they had stronger relationships with the arch enemies of Malabar chieftains, the Mysore Sultans. The wars, intrigues and resulting treaties between the English and the French in Europe and America however tended to regulate actions in India during this time.

So in 1787, seeing that he was getting boxed in, Tipu made a decision to contact the French King Louis XVI directly, by deputing three of his ambassadors. The intentions were not only to seek assistance from the French, but also to show the English that he had good connections with the French High command in Europe. While they were received cordially in Versailles, the threesome soon became a spectacle in France, more for their dressing and bearing. The French would not extend their hand any further as the treaty of Versailles had just been signed (act 16 stated that neither party would involve themselves in the internal problems between Indian princes) and they did not want the status quo upset. The French revolution had followed and the French were in no mood for deeper intrigues at a time when the Mysorean ambassadors arrived in France. Anyway the visit came to naught and by 1794, the hostages were also returned after Tipu paid his dues to the British. So it was time for Tipu to plan again and it was finally in 1797 that an event in Mangalore made Tipu raise his hopes (In fact he had one of his dreams in May 1796 which told him that a person of rank from France was to arrive soon, promising support with a 1000 soldiers!!). But before we get to Mangalore, we have to go to the Isle de France or Mauritius and get to know the next person in our story.
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Ripaud |
Mauritius came under French rule during the period 1715-1810
after the Dutch had abandoned it. During the Napoleonic wars, Isle de France
became a base from which the French navy lead military expeditions to support
French troops in India who were fighting the British. In addition to colonial
trade and slavery, Mauritius was also home to a number of French Corsairs or
privateers, a loose term synonymous with pirates. These Corsairs attacked
British merchant vessels and looted their precious cargoes loaded in India and
consigned for trading in Europe. One such corsair who took to that lucrative but
risky trade was a failed businessman named François Fidèle Ripaud de
Montaudevert who hailed from Brittany and had moved to the isles in 1773. In
1984, he married Jeanne Françoise Boyer also called Chounette, daughter of an
officer of the militia of Bourbon and two years later their first child was
born. But the peaceful life in the island of Reunion and farming was not befitting
the character of this adventurer. It did not improve, by 1791, for a business venture
together with his brother had gone bankrupt and so with no other opportunities
around, he decided to become a brigand. The next six years were spent as a
privateer, attacking the British shipping off Malabar. In 1797, he was
operating in the Malabar Coast and continued his attacks on British shipping,
but soon he had run out of ammunition and had no choice but to call in to the
port of Mangalore with his ship.
The opportunist he was, Ripuad hatched up a plan to contact
Tipu Sultan and announce himself as an emissary from France seeking Tipu’s
audience. Whether it was of his own doing or whether he was set up to do this
by Ghulam Ali, Lord of the admiralty of Mangalore (It is stated in various
English sources that this was one for the 1787 ambassadors and thus he knew a
little French, but I am not too sure as his name does not figure in the list of
3, he was actually the legless ambassador sent to Istanbul) is not clear, but
Ripuad succeeded in meeting a suspicious Tipu, who had been altered by his ministers
that this Frenchman was an imposter. Ripuad had stated that he was number two
in Mauritius to Governor Malartic and that he had arrived to pass on the
message that a large contingent of soldiers were waiting in Mauritius to
disembark to Malabar and fight the English alongside Tipu. Even though Tipu had
been altered, he took the chance and after first imprisoning the Frenchman,
later getting swindled in the process of purchasing Ripaud’s boat twice, he
decided to retain Ripuad as his Vakeel or advisor.
Boutier explains – Tipu’s
minister of commerce had said, "This Ripaud, that is come, God knows, what
an ass he is, whence it comes and for what purpose." To shake off such
suspicions which led him to prison for some time, Ripaud tries to give visible
proof of his official status. Thus, every Sunday, after mass, republican
rituals are celebrated, evidently to restore Tipu's confidence and legitimize
Ripaud's claims of being "representative of the French people besides
prince Tippo."
Ripaud then organizes meetings and sets up the so called
Jacobin club (a disputed issue discussed at length by Prof Jean Boutier in his
paper listed under references), plants a tree of liberty in Seringapatanam and
confers the title of Citizen Prince to Tipu, who formally becomes a member.
A French paper was
found in Tipu's Palace in 1799, entitled 'Proceedings of a Jacobin Club formed
at Seringapatam by the French Soldiers in the Corps commanded by M. Dompart. A
Scotsman, Capt W Macleod, attested to its authenticity. The Paper listed by
name 59 Frenchmen in the pay of 'Citizen Tippoo'; it described the gathering of
a Primary Assembly on 5th May 1797, to elect a President, Francois
Ripaud, and other officers. The 'Rights of Man' were proclaimed, and Ripaud
presented a lecture on Republican principles. Further deliberations and
formalities followed before, on 14th May, the National flag was
ceremonially raised and a small delegation were formally received by Tipu. The
'Citizen Prince' ordered a salute of 2,300 cannon, all the musketry and 500
rockets, with a further 500 cannon firing from the Fort. A Tree of Liberty was
planted, and crowned with a Cap of Equality, before Ripaud challenged his
co-patriots: 'Do you swear hatred to all Kings, except Tippoo Sultaun, the
Victorious, the Ally of the French Republic - War against all Tyrants, and love
towards your Country and that of Citizen Tippoo.' ‘Yes! We swear to live free
or die,' they replied.
Dr Soracoe explains the move - Against the wishes of the rest of his court, Tipu agreed to move
forward with plans for an alliance with the French, and began preparing an
embassy to travel to Mauritius. Tipu's desire for revenge and desperate search
for allies against the British Company appear to have overridden more sensible
judgment and led him into this poor decision. The contemporary Indian historian
Mir Hussain Kirmani wrote years later about how sometimes Tipu would act rashly
and without thought, refusing to listen even to his most faithful servants, and
cited the interactions with Ripaud as one such example of poor judgment.
On one side this led to the British conjuring up an
international Jacobin plot, touching the distant tip of South India while on
the other side Tipu was now determined to obtain the required support from
France through the isle of France and prepares a new Secret embassy of two or three
persons to sail to Mauritius with Ripaud.
This is of course downplayed by various writers taking the ‘Tipu is a
martyr’ line - Some leave out this entire Ripuad chapter from their accounts of
the glorious Tipu, in fact one even goes on to say that Tipu actually sent his
emissary to obtain artisans from Mauritius! Well that was a tall tale, in my
opinion, taller than that narrated by Ripaud when he landed in Mangalore!
The idea was to make a new alliance proposal to France which
briefly covered in five articles the following - After two preliminary articles of friendship, Tipu asked in the third
article for 10,000 French soldiers and 30,000 French sepoys, to be provisioned
for and commanded by Tipu's officers. The fourth article detailed how the
Company possessions were to be divided; Tipu wanted half of the British territories,
taking Goa for himself and leaving Bombay and Madras to the French. The fifth
article stipulated that both alliances partners would also declare war on any
native princes that sided with the British Company.![]() |
Port Louis Mauritius |
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Malartic |
And that brings us to Lord Mornington, the third player in
the drama which followed. Richard Wesley (he always used the archaic Irish
usage - Wesley, never the modernized usage Wellesley which his brother Arthur changed
to) was known as The Earl of Mornington from 1781 until 1799. Wesley became the
new Governor General of India in the spring of 1798, replacing John Shore, and
arrived with a burning ambition to implant British superiority on these distant
shores and perhaps to snuff out any French ambitions. As he learnt about the
activities concerning Tipu, Ripaud and Malartic in Mauritius, he saw a window
of opportunity and wanted to attack Tipu’s stronghold rightaway.
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Wesley |
Richard Wellesley on the other hand took to exaggerating the
issue with London. He made a big noise about the threat posed by Tipu's
supposed French alliance, and implied that British India was in far more danger
than actually existed. Then again the news of Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition
and plans about India made the British even more nervous. Wellesley was quite aware that the French
soldiers in Egypt had little possibility of reaching India without adequate
supplies, but then again, he led the EIC management and the larger British
public to believe just the opposite by linking Tipu to the whole fracas.
The war of disinformation was quickly started with the
British overstating Tipu’s purpose and instead of accusing the French made it
look as though Tipu was about to attack the British. Tipu of course made
matters worse by his own vacillation and foolishness. Tipu’s reputation, his
forays into Malabar and other places were overstated by the British and he was soon
portrayed a tyrant of the worst kind. The correspondence between Tipu and
Wesley touched on various topics, and when Wesley mentioned the French, Tipu
replied that it was nothing and that some 40 people had come from France in
search of employment, adding that all the rest were malicious rumors parlayed
by the French. In reality, when Mornington complained to Tipu that he was harboring
hostile Frenchmen in his court, the Sultan diplomatically remarked that Ripaud
had drifted to Mangalore in a ship during a storm at sea. "I am having no
discussions with him at all” wrote Tipu to Mornington "In fact my sincere
wish is that the French, who are of crooked disposition and are enemies of
mankind, may be ever depressed and ruined."
But in Jan 1799, Mornington played his hand, and mentioned
in clear terms that Tipu had violated the treaty and demanded that Tipu meet
with Gen Doveton and accept reparations and new arrangements or face dangerous
consequences (It was exactly the game Hyder had played on the Calicut Zamorin).
Tipu still did not realize that his adversary had no interest in diplomacy and replied
in the most bizarre fashion – he stated that he would receive Doveton as an
envoy later, as he was proceeding upon a hunting expedition for the moment.
By then it was all too late, Wesley had already given the order for the EIC armies to invade Mysore on 3rd February, which was before receiving Tipu's response. His brother Arthur also participated in the onslaught. A quick and decisive war was fought, Seringapatanam was stormed and Tipu met his cruel end, justly so (for he was indeed a tyrant in the eyes of us, the people of Malabar). Richard Wesley did not do well in later life, though his brother did. Richard continued warring and racked up huge debts for the EIC and was called back in 1805, but only after converting the EIC business into an imperial colony.
In 1809 Richard was appointed ambassador to Spain. He
started getting occasional and inexplicable "black-outs" when he was
apparently unaware of his surroundings. He was also deeply hurt by his
brother's failure to find a Cabinet position for him (Arthur made the usual
excuse that one cannot give a Cabinet seat to everyone who wants one). They
were soon estranged though they made up much later. Not satisfied with just an
Irish peerage, which he contemptuously referred to as a "double-gilt
potato, Richard passed away and is remembered by the Township of Wellesley, in
Ontario, Canada which was named after him. Arthur Wellesly known Duke of
Wellington continued on his marches in Malabar and Madras, became a British
prime minister.
Thus we see that the primary causes of a decisive war in
India, and the ruin of Tipu Sultan's ill-gotten empire and power, was all due
to the accidental circumstance of Ripaud's cruise to the Malabar Coast and his
playing with Tipu’s ego and false pride. That was Tipu’s folly.
But we have to tie all loose ends up, so let us now see what
happened to Ripuad and the hundred odd Frenchmen who ventured out to Mysore.
Well Ripaud left India (not clear if he came back) and went back to Reunion to continue the fight against the British,
while at the same time arguing with French authorities about some war titles. He
finally got the titles in his 50th year, after 30 years of fighting
the British, perhaps being one of the few who fought them the longest.
The British took over Isle de France in 1810 and the island
was ceded to them in 1814 to be renamed Mauritius. As part of an agreement all
Frenchmen would be sent back to France. Thus François Ripaud returned to France
after thirty years of absence. He landed there with his sons (one of them, a
soldier who served under Napoleon, was killed in Russia). Ripaud continued fighting the British. He next
assumed command of the frigate La Sapho and was injured mortally in 1814. As for Citizen Chapuy and his 150 Frenchmen, from whom much was anticipated by the Mysore Sultan, well they hardly participated in the war it is said that they had locked themselves in a dungeon, during the siege according to a British chroniclers. The more neutral account states that Colonel (Brevet) Louis Auguste Chappuis led a group of 450 soldiers. These men, and others already serving in Mysore, fought with distinction in the final campaign; however, their numbers were too small to make a significant difference to the final outcome.
Anne-Joseph-Hippolyte de Maurés, Compte de Malartic, father
of the Mauritius colony died of apoplexy in 1800. A memorial was erected at
Champs de mars in France. The Canadian town of Malartic is named after him.
After Tipu was
defeated & killed in War, his family (4 wives, 16 sons, 8 daughters) was
exiled to Calcutta in 1806 & his son Ghulam Mohammed Sultan Khan (the
fourteenth son) was recognized by the British administration as head of Mysore
family & successor to Tipu and knighted in 1870. Their possessions in
Calcutta apparently included the Royal Calcutta Golf Club and Tollygunge Club
which were worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but the present day
descendants don’t seem to be doing well.
Les lettres
de créances du corsaire Ripaud - Jean BoutierWidows, Pariah’s and Bayaderes – Binita Mehta
Historical Sketches of the South of India – Mark Wilkes
Tipu Sultan and the re-conception of the British Imperial Identity 1780-1800 – Dr Michael Soracoe
Ripaud’s Bio
Notes –
Wiki definitions - A privateer or
"corsair" was a private person or ship authorized by a government by
letters of marque to attack foreign vessels during wartime. Privateering was a
way of mobilizing armed ships and sailors without having to spend treasury
resources or commit naval officers. The actual work of a pirate and a privateer
is generally the same (raiding and plundering ships); it is, therefore, the
authorization and perceived legality of the actions that form the distinction.2. Gautier article on Outlookindia mentions that Ripaud made mentions in his diary of the atrocities against Hindus in Calicut. This is not quite correct. Even though I am convinced that they took place, it was impossible for Ripaud to have seen them for they were perhaps carried out in 1783-1784, decades before Ripuad set foot in Mangalore.
Well interesting read typical Maddy style with verve style and substance ,
I agree that making Tipu a freedom fighter is like calling Mayawati a mother Teresa !
thanks hari..
all of them were in my opinion rulers with purely sefish interestes..and deserve no glory
I was searching for this article 4 the past 2 days Maddy, thought it was on the Historic Alleys. Nice one again, I'm glad that you didn't called Tippu a freedom fighter or didn't added any angle of nobility to him. I am not from Mlalabar, yet i think of Tippu as a ruthless being (don't even consider him human). Now there is an effort by some relegious organizations to re-paint Tippu as a freedom fighter & all other crap. What amazes me is their audacity to stoop to any level to attain their nefarious goals.
"I agree that making Tipu a freedom fighter is like calling Mayawati a mother Teresa !" You hit the nail Harimohan.....
Thanks Jk47..
I agree that the Myrosre Sultans brought in a different kind of order to malabar, especially when it came to breaking some bad customs and also by building some good roads, but it was all for a selfish purpose, to further their own aims. The same with respect to the anglo mysore wars...The bad was that they tore apart the fabric and brought a lot of turmoil. Their return with large spoils of these wars resulted in so much of poverty in Malabar - which still remains...
Calicut was the richest state in the world during 15th century. A lot of wealth including gold was earned through Spice trade with Arabs and Chinese. Calicut was a stopover for all the seven expeditions of Zheng He. The gold was stored in temple vaults. Tipu's father Hyder Ali attacked Calicut specifically in search of these gold. He had posted numerous spies in the region to know about the exact location of these treasures. Tipu attacked with a huge battery of soldiers. The interesting fact is that the Opium merchant Rothschild, who owned the British East India Company, was also monitoring all these events. The French army also had Rothschild agents. The only purpose of Anglo-Mysore war was to transfer these gold treasures to Rothschild bank. The British handed over the Mysore kingdom to Wodeyar family after defeating Tipu Sultan
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